SEAMS Development and Integration

Ongoing development of technology infrastructure for community engagement.

SEAMS Development and Integration focuses on the ongoing development and integration of the SEAMS (Strategic Enterprise Asset Management System) platform. We allocate dedicated resources and prioritize the development roadmap based on user needs and organizational priorities. Through user research and collaboration with software development teams, we define the features and functionalities of SEAMS, ensuring it aligns with user requirements. We engage with software development teams to build the platform, integrating it with existing tools and systems for seamless knowledge sharing. Rigorous testing and refinement processes ensure the platform's usability, functionality, and security. We plan for a phased rollout, starting with a pilot implementation and gradually scaling to the wider Urban Array community.

Allocate Resources and Prioritize SEAMS Development:

Define Features and Functionalities of SEAMS:

Engage with Software Development Teams:

Integrate SEAMS with Existing Tools:

Test and Refine SEAMS Platform:

Plan for Phased Rollout:

Last updated


Urban Array Foundation, a 501(c)3 charitable organization