System Architecture and Workflow UTA

System Design Considerations

User Roles and Permissions

  • Define clear user roles (e.g., Admin, Project Manager, Member) with specific permissions:

    • Admins can create and modify project templates, assign project managers, and oversee the entire system.

    • Project Managers can customize projects from templates, assign tasks to members, and oversee project progress.

    • Members can view available tasks, self-select tasks (if permitted), and complete assigned tasks.

Project Templates

  • Project templates are predefined by admins or project managers and include a standard set of tasks that are common to specific types of projects.

  • Templates should be customizable at the project level to adapt to specific needs without altering the original template.

Database and Data Model Structure


  • Projects Table: Contains details about individual projects.

    • Fields: Project ID, Project Name, Description, Start Date, End Date, Template ID (linked to Project Templates).

Project Templates

  • Project Templates Table: Stores templates that can be used to initiate projects.

    • Fields: Template ID, Template Name, Description.


  • Tasks Table: Includes details about tasks that can be included in projects.

    • Fields: Task ID, Task Name, Description, Default Duration, IsSelfSelectable (boolean).

Project Tasks

  • ProjectTasks Table: Represents instances of tasks within projects, allowing customization.

    • Fields: ProjectTask ID, Project ID, Task ID, Assigned To (nullable), Status, Start Date, End Date.

Functional Logic and Workflow

Template and Project Creation

  • Admins/Project Managers create and define project templates with a set of default tasks.

  • When a new project is initiated, Project Managers select a template, and the system generates a new project instance with tasks copied from the template to the ProjectTasks table. Each task can be customized (e.g., deadlines, assigned members) without affecting the template.

Task Assignment and Selection

  • Self-Selection of Tasks:

    • Tasks marked as IsSelfSelectable are available for members to pick up directly from a pool of available tasks within a project.

    • Members can add these tasks to their workload, which updates the Assigned To field in the ProjectTasks table.

  • Assigned Tasks:

    • Project Managers can assign tasks to specific members, especially for tasks that require specific skills or are critical and not self-selectable.

    • This assignment also updates the ProjectTasks table.

Interfaces and User Interaction

Member Interface

  • Members log into their dashboard to view available tasks they can select or see tasks assigned to them.

  • They can update the status of tasks (e.g., In Progress, Completed), which is reflected in real-time for project managers to monitor.

Project Manager Interface

  • Project Managers have a dashboard to create projects, select templates, assign tasks, and customize tasks as needed.

  • They can monitor project progress, member workload, and task completion status.

Notifications and Updates

  • Implement a notification system to alert members when new tasks are available for selection or when they have been assigned tasks.

  • Project Managers receive updates on task progress and completions, facilitating timely interventions and support.

Reporting and Analytics

  • Include reporting features that allow both project managers and admins to generate reports on project progress, member productivity, task status distribution, and other metrics to ensure effective project management and decision-making.

This structured approach to your PM system leverages both flexibility for members and control for project managers, enhancing efficiency while accommodating varying project needs and member capabilities. This system design ensures scalability and adaptability to different project types and organizational growth.

Last updated