Scope of Work

1.0 User Management App

1.1: Create a User Data Table

1.1.1: Define a User table structure with columns for UserId (Primary Key), FirstName, LastName, Username, Email, Password, Location, ProfilePicture, and Bio.

1.1.2: Implement data validation and input sanitization methods for each field to ensure security and data integrity.

1.1.3: Set up indexes on fields that will be searched and queried frequently to optimize performance.

1.2: Develop User Registration Form

1.2.1: Design a user-friendly registration form layout that includes all fields from the User table.

1.2.2: Implement client-side validation to check for field requirements and format correctness before form submission.

1.2.3: Develop server-side validation to double-check the data integrity and handle potential errors or malicious attempts.

1.2.4: Implement form submission function to insert a new user record into the User table.

1.3: Develop User Login Form and Authentication System

1.3.1: Design a simple and intuitive login form with Username/Email and Password fields.

1.3.2: Implement login function to verify user credentials against the User table.

1.3.3: Develop a secure session handling system to keep users logged in across different pages.

1.3.4: Implement password encryption methods to securely store user passwords.

1.4: Implement User Profile Management Forms

1.4.1: Develop profile view page to display user details, including a profile picture and bio.

1.4.2: Design and implement an edit profile form, enabling users to update their profile information.

1.4.3: Implement a profile picture upload feature, providing an intuitive user interface and ensuring the safety of uploaded files.

1.4.4: Implement update function to make changes to the User table when the form is submitted.

1.5: Implement Skills and Interests Feature

1.5.1: Create a Skills table with columns for SkillId (Primary Key), UserId (Foreign Key), and SkillName.

1.5.2: Create an Interests table with columns for InterestId (Primary Key), UserId (Foreign Key), and InterestName.

1.5.3: Develop a feature that allows users to add, update, and delete skills and interests from their profile. Include necessary forms and update functions.

1.5.4: Display the user's skills and interests on their profile page.

1.6: Implement User Project Participation Feature

1.6.1: Create a UserProjects table with columns for UserProjectId (Primary Key), UserId (Foreign Key), ProjectId (Foreign Key), JoinDate, and Role.

1.6.2: Implement a feature allowing users to join a project. This inserts a new record into the UserProjects table.

1.6.3: Implement a feature allowing users to leave a project. This deletes the corresponding record from the UserProjects table.

1.6.4: Implement a feature to display the projects a user is participating in on their profile page.

2.0 Skills Inventory App

2.1: Create Skill Inventory Table

2.1.1: Define a SkillInventory table structure with columns for SkillId (Primary Key), SkillName, and Description.

2.1.2: Implement data validation and input sanitization methods for each field to ensure data integrity and security.

2.1.3: Set up indexes on fields that will be searched and queried frequently to optimize performance.

2.2: Implement Skills Management Feature

2.2.1: Develop a feature that allows users to view all their skills. Display this data on a user-friendly page.

2.2.2: Design and implement an add skill form. When submitted, this inserts a new record into the SkillInventory table, linked to the current user.

2.2.3: Design and implement an update skill form. When submitted, this updates the corresponding record in the SkillInventory table.

2.2.4: Implement a delete skill feature. This deletes the corresponding record from the SkillInventory table.

2.3: Develop Merit-based Resume System

2.3.1: Create an Experiences table with columns for ExperienceId (Primary Key), UserId (Foreign Key), ProjectId (Foreign Key), Role, StartDate, EndDate, and Description.

2.3.2: Implement a feature for users to add, update, and delete experiences. Include user-friendly forms and update functions.

2.3.3: Develop a feature to dynamically generate a resume for each user, pulling data from the User, SkillInventory, and Experiences tables.

2.3.4: Design the resume layout to be professional and easy to read. Include options to download the resume as a PDF or share it online.

2.3.5: Implement a feature for users to customize their resume, selecting which skills and experiences to include and how to order them.

2.4: Implement a Search Function

2.4.1: Implement a search function that allows users to search for skills and view profiles of users who have those skills.

2.4.2: Add filters to the search function, such as location or skill level.

2.5: Develop a Skill Endorsement Feature

2.5.1: Add a column for Endorsements to the SkillInventory table.

2.5.2: Implement a feature for users to endorse each other's skills, incrementing the Endorsements field of the corresponding record in the SkillInventory table.

2.5.3: Display the number of endorsements each skill has received on the user's profile.

3.0 Resources Management App

3.1: Create Resources Table

3.1.1: Define a Resources table structure with fields for ResourceId (Primary Key), ResourceName, Description, Location, Quantity, and Status.

3.1.2: Implement input validation and sanitization methods for each field to ensure data integrity and security.

3.1.3: Create indexes on fields that will be frequently searched or queried to enhance performance.

3.2: Implement Resource Management Feature

3.2.1: Develop a feature that allows users to view all the resources they have added. Display this data on a user-friendly page.

3.2.2: Design and implement an add resource form. On submission, a new record is inserted into the Resources table, linked to the current user.

3.2.3: Design and implement an update resource form. On submission, the corresponding record in the Resources table is updated.

3.2.4: Implement a delete resource feature. This removes the corresponding record from the Resources table.

3.3: Develop Resource Request Feature

3.3.1: Create a ResourceRequests table with fields for RequestId (Primary Key), UserId (Foreign Key), ResourceId (Foreign Key), ProjectId (Foreign Key), Quantity, and Status.

3.3.2: Implement a feature that allows users to make a resource request. This includes a user-friendly form and the necessary backend functions to insert a new record into the ResourceRequests table.

3.4: Implement Resource Allocation Feature

3.4.1: Develop a feature that allows admins to view all resource requests.

3.4.2: Implement a form that allows admins to approve or deny resource requests. On approval, the requested resource's Quantity field in the Resources table is decreased, and the Status field in the ResourceRequests table is updated to 'Approved'.

3.4.3: Implement a feature to allow admins to allocate resources to users or projects. This requires another table, ResourceAllocations, with fields for AllocationId (Primary Key), AdminId (Foreign Key), ResourceId (Foreign Key), UserId/ProjectId (Foreign Key), Quantity, and StartDate and EndDate.

3.5: Create Resource Tracking Feature

3.5.1: Develop a feature to display the status of all resources. Show details like who the resources are allocated to, for what duration, and in what quantity.

3.5.2: Implement filters to enable admins and users to search and sort the resource tracking data based on different parameters.

3.6: Implement Resource Availability Indicator

3.6.1: Develop a feature that displays the availability of each resource on its details page. The availability should be calculated based on the current quantity and the allocated quantity.

3.6.2: Implement real-time updates to the availability indicator whenever a resource is allocated, returned, or added.

3.7: Develop Notifications Feature

3.7.1: Implement a feature to send notifications to users when their resource request has been approved or denied.

3.7.2: Send notifications to admins when a resource request is made or when a resource is low on quantity.

4.0 Project Management App

4.1: Create Projects Table

4.1.1: Define a Projects table structure with fields for ProjectId (Primary Key), ProjectName, Description, StartDate, EndDate, Budget, and Status.

4.1.2: Implement data validation and sanitization methods for each field to maintain data integrity and security.

4.1.3: Create indexes on fields that will be frequently searched or queried for better performance.

4.2: Develop Project Creation Feature

4.2.1: Design a user-friendly form that allows users to input the necessary data to create a new project.

4.2.2: Develop backend functions that will insert a new record into the Projects table when a user submits the form.

4.2.3: Implement client-side and server-side validation for the form to ensure accurate and secure data submission.

4.3: Implement Resource Allocation Feature

4.3.1: Develop a feature that allows project leaders or admins to view all available resources.

4.3.2: Create a form that allows project leaders or admins to allocate resources to a project. This will update the relevant records in the Resources and ResourceAllocations tables.

4.3.3: Implement a system to automatically update the project budget and resource quantities based on allocated resources.

4.4: Create Task Management Feature

4.4.1: Define a Tasks table structure with fields for TaskId (Primary Key), ProjectId (Foreign Key), UserId (Foreign Key), TaskName, Description, StartDate, EndDate, and Status.

4.4.2: Develop a feature that allows project leaders or admins to add, update, and delete tasks for a project.

4.4.3: Implement a task assignment feature, allowing project leaders or admins to assign tasks to users. This updates the UserId field in the Tasks table.

4.4.4: Develop a task tracking feature, displaying the progress of each task, based on updates to the Task's Status field.

4.5: Develop Project Feedback Feature

4.5.1: Define a Feedback table structure with fields for FeedbackId (Primary Key), UserId (Foreign Key), ProjectId (Foreign Key), FeedbackText, and Timestamp.

4.5.2: Implement a feedback submission form, allowing users to submit feedback on completed projects. The form's submission should insert a new record into the Feedback table.

4.6: Implement Project Collaboration Tools

4.6.1: Develop a feature to support real-time communication among project members, such as a chat or message board.

4.6.2: Create a feature to share documents and other files within the project.

4.7: Develop Project Reporting Feature

4.7.1: Implement a feature to generate reports on project progress, resource usage, and other key metrics.

4.7.2: Enable these reports to be exported in various formats (e.g., PDF, Excel) for easy sharing and presentation.

5.0 Knowledge Base App

5.1: Create Articles Table

5.1.1: Define an Articles table structure with fields for ArticleId (Primary Key), Title, Content, AuthorId (Foreign Key), and PublicationDate.

5.1.2: Implement data validation and sanitization methods for each field to maintain data integrity and security.

5.1.3: Create indexes on fields that will be frequently searched or queried for better performance.

5.2: Develop Article Management Feature

5.2.1: Design a user-friendly form that allows users to input the necessary data to create a new article.

5.2.2: Develop backend functions that will insert a new record into the Articles table when a user submits the form.

5.2.3: Implement client-side and server-side validation for the form to ensure accurate and secure data submission.

5.2.4: Create a separate interface for users to edit their articles, ensuring that only the author or administrators can make changes.

5.2.5: Develop a feature to delete articles, once again, ensuring only the author or administrators have this capability.

5.3: Implement Commenting Feature

5.3.1: Define a Comments table structure with fields for CommentId (Primary Key), UserId (Foreign Key), ArticleId (Foreign Key), CommentText, and Timestamp.

5.3.2: Develop a feature that allows users to add, update, or delete comments for an article.

5.3.3: Display the comments in a user-friendly manner beneath each article.

5.4: Implement Article Search Feature

5.4.1: Develop a feature that allows users to search for articles using keywords. This feature should query the Articles table and return relevant results.

5.4.2: Incorporate advanced search options, allowing users to filter by author, date, and other relevant fields.

5.5: Develop Article Rating Feature

5.5.1: Define a Ratings table structure with fields for RatingId (Primary Key), UserId (Foreign Key), ArticleId (Foreign Key), Rating, and Timestamp.

5.5.2: Implement a feature that allows users to rate articles. The user's rating should be stored in the Ratings table.

5.5.3: Display the average rating for each article on the article page.

5.6: Implement Content Recommendation Feature

5.6.1: Develop a feature to recommend related articles to users based on their reading history or interests.

5.6.2: Utilize machine learning algorithms to enhance the accuracy of recommendations over time.

6. Initiative Frameworks App

6.1: Database Structure

6.1.1: Define an "Initiative Frameworks" database table with fields for "FrameworkId" (Primary Key), "FrameworkName", "FrameworkDescription", "CreatorId", "CreationDate", "UpdateDate", and "ActiveStatus".

6.1.2: Create a "FrameworkApplications" table to record each time a framework is used in a project, with fields for "ApplicationId" (Primary Key), "ProjectId", "FrameworkId", and "DateApplied".

6.2: Framework Management Interface

6.2.1: Build a form that allows users to create new frameworks, which will write data to the "Initiative Frameworks" table.

6.2.2: Develop an interface that allows users to edit and delete existing frameworks. Include appropriate confirmation dialogs to prevent accidental data loss.

6.2.3: Implement server-side validation for all inputs to prevent invalid data entry.

6.3: Framework Application

6.3.1: Add a feature in the project creation/editing interface allowing the user to apply one or more frameworks to the project.

6.3.2: Write the appropriate data to the "FrameworkApplications" table each time a framework is applied to a project.

6.3.3: Implement a function to remove the application of a framework from a project, if necessary.

6.4: Search and Filter Functionality

6.4.1: Add a feature that allows users to search for specific frameworks based on keywords or creators.

6.4.2: Implement filter options that allow users to view frameworks based on categories such as popularity or recent creation date.

6.5: Framework Rating and Review

6.5.1: Add a feature that allows users to rate and write reviews for frameworks.

6.5.2: Develop a database table "FrameworkReviews" with fields like "ReviewId", "FrameworkId", "UserId", "Rating", "ReviewContent", and "ReviewDate".

6.5.3: Display the average rating of each framework in the search and viewing interfaces.

6.6: Framework Usage Statistics

6.6.1: Implement a system to track and display statistics for each framework, such as the number of times it has been applied to projects.

6.6.2: Display these statistics to users to inform their choice of framework.

7. Community Voting App

7.1: Create Community Voting Database Table

7.1.1: Define a "Community Votes" table with fields for "VoteId" (Primary Key), "ProjectId", "UserId", and "VoteType".

7.2: Voting Interface

7.2.1: Build a voting interface that allows community members to vote on different projects.

7.2.2: Implement data validation and error handling in the voting interface.

7.3: Vote Processing

7.3.1: Develop the back-end functions to correctly process votes, update the database, and display updated vote counts.

7.3.2: Handle the potential concurrency issues that may arise when multiple users are voting at the same time.

7.4: Display Voting Results

7.4.1: Implement a feature to display live voting results, with graphical

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